The majority of South Africa, and specifically the Eastern Cape, has just survived quite a severe drought. When your business is fishing, it has quite an impact!
Alan Hobson shares his latest fly inspiration

Alan's such a sucker for punishment! He develops these fantastically realistic flies, and displays them at places like the SA Fly Fishing and Fly Tying Expo in Johannesburg, and then people want to order them...
The fly of the season is a floating dragonfly (aeshnidae). These flies, or variations of them, were displayed at our stand at the Expo, so obviously, fishermen saw them and wanted them. This is where the sucker part comes in... One of the visitors at the Expo was planning a trip to Thrift dam just up the road from us, so ordered a couple of these flies. Well, having made these masterpieces, Alan has decided that they are really not commercially viable. The bodies take three days to prepare, and then the prepping and tying of the fly takes anything from one to two hours. Count yourself very fortunate Andrew, these are going to become collectors items!
The SA Fly Fishing and Fly Tying Expo held at Toadbury Hall in Mulderdrift was well supported by the Joburg fly fishers. Thanks to all who visited our stand, and thank you for the patience required when making card payments. For us country bumpkins, it was shocking to find that you could have such terrible cell signal in what we consider to be the middle of Joburg! Gordon and his team did a fantastic job organising and running the Expo, and the fact that it was over two days this year, instead of one day last year, ensured that there was a little time for the people in the industry to mingle. Now we just need to find a way to let Alan attend the workshops and man the stand...
The winner of our Expo competition is Carryn Ford. Congratulations Carryn, you've won a 3 night self-catering break for 2 people at the Angler and Antelope in Somerset East, together with a day's guided Wild Fly Fishing in the Karoo with Alan!
Further Reading
Spring has sprung, and with it we received a very welcome bit of rain over the last couple of days. Follow up is desperately needed though...
This is an article written by one of our Danish visitors on his experience whilst fishing with Alan as a guide. It's interesting to get a foreigner's view on the things we (almost) take for granted.
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