We are situated in the Karoo, and as it is a semi-arid area, the thought fishing for trout is quite foreign.
South African Fishing Flies

Not long ago, Peter Brigg and Ed Herbst came up with a brilliant concept for a book on South African Flies.
Two of the best known names in South African Fly Fishing circles, Peter Brigg and Ed Herbst collaborated on a fantastic book, showcasing South African Fishing Flies. This is a celebration of fly tying artistry, of the innovation and talents of the originators and their vision. It is by no means an exhaustive reference of South African flies, but is a list of innovation, in both techniques and materials, and flies that have changed the way we think about fly tying.
Alan was asked to contribute some of his flies to the project, and here is a link to the chapter on his African Clawed frog imitation, as well as the iconic HOT fly - the tadpole imitation that has become more than a few fisher's go-to fly.
Link to South African Fishing Flies - African Clawed frog chapter
Further Reading
The majority of South Africa, and specifically the Eastern Cape, has just survived quite a severe drought. When your business is fishing, it has quite an impact!
Grant and Jess recently discovered the joys of fly fishing in the Karoo. Unfortunately, they discovered it not long before they were set to emigrate.
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